MATES 2010 Doctoral Mentoring Program
MATES 2010 will include a doctoral mentoring program to support PhD students in early as well as advanced stages of their research. Furthermore, the doctoral mentoring program provides a platform for discussion from young researchers and experienced researchers on topics of distributed AI as well as agent related topics. In the doctoral mentoring program, students interact closely with established researchers in their fields, to receive feedback on their work and to get advice on managing their careers.
The MATES 2010 Doctoral Mentoring Program will:
- Match each student with an established researcher who will act as a mentor.
- Allow students an opportunity to present their work to a friendly audience of other students, as well as mentors.
- Provide students with contacts and networking opportunities.
How to apply?
- Please, submit an abstract on your thesis (1-2 pages) to reschu(at) or itimm(at)
- Deadline: September 17th, 2010
Preliminary program
- Short introduction
- Short presentations by PhD candidates (5-10 minutes each)
- Discussions of PhD topics and career discussions in small groups
Important Dates
Submission Deadline
April 30 ,2010
Notification of Acceptance
May 28, 2010
Camera Ready Copy
June 13, 2010
Early registration
July 1, 2010
Conference Date
September 27, 2010
All participants of MATES 2010 have to register via the INFORMATIK 2010 site
Register here...