Topics of interest
Topics of interest of MATES 2010 include all aspects of agent-oriented computing and agent technologies. We solicit both basic as well as applied research papers on recent advances in the area of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems in general. Also papers reporting on the successful application of agent technologies in any kind of domain are very welcome. MATES 2010 encourages especially submissions from recent and emerging areas of interest such as autonomic computing, distributed coordination and robust multi-agent systems. Additionally, we encourage the submission of elaborated vision and challenge papers that discuss mid-term and long-term directions for research and application.
Topics of interest for MATES 2010 include, but are not limited to
- Adaptive agents and multi-agent learning
- Advanced theories of collaboration: Modelling and formation of teams, coalitions, groups, and organizations
- Agents and autonomic computing
- Agent and multi-agent architectures
- Agents and peer-to-peer computing
- Agents and pervasive computing
- Agents for Ambient Intelligence
- Agent-based service discovery, matchmaking, brokering, and composition
- Agent communication languages
- Agents for e-business and e-government
- Agent technologies in the context of service-oriented computing and architectures
- Agent to non-agent interoperability
- Agents in novel applications
- Application of agent-technologies in industrial practice
- Artificial social systems: Conventions, norms, institutions; trust and reputation
- Autonomous robots and robot teams
- Commitment, delegation, responsibility, and obligations in artificial and hybrid societies
- Complex systems and their management
- Coordination, negotiation, argumentation, and conflict resolution
- Deployed agent-based business applications
- Hybrid human and agent societies
- User modelling and interface agents
- Embodied conversational actors and believable agents
- Mobile agents
- Model-driven design of multi-agent systems
- Multi-agent planning and scheduling
- Multi-agent platforms and tools
- Multi-agent (social) simulation and (cognitive) modelling with agents
- Practical aspects of programming agent systems: Robustness, fault tolerance, scalability and performance measurement
- Roles and structures, adaptive learning and cognition in organizational models
- Semantics of the dynamics of organizational models
- Standards for agents and multi-agent systems
Important Dates
Submission Deadline
April 30 ,2010
Notification of Acceptance
May 28, 2010
Camera Ready Copy
June 13, 2010
Early registration
July 1, 2010
Conference Date
September 27, 2010
All participants of MATES 2010 have to register via the INFORMATIK 2010 site
Register here...